Make your program Stand Out!

Our Coach's Corner gives your coaches and parents the tools to run great practices and mold great baseball players! Our practice guides and training videos make it easy to organize a consistent practice and teach players the fundamental movements needed to learn the game.

We understand how challenging it can be to train and retain great volunteer coaches- Our Standout Coach's Corner will help your program year after year.

Get Started!

Give your coaches the resources to be great!

Many coaches have limited playing and coaching experience- Get them the tools they need to lead and teach this great game.

Common Problems

How Standout gets it done

Don't incorporate drillwork to improve player development
Many coaches hit fungoes and not much else. Our drill videos help coaches bring small-group drills into practice that help players get better and have fun.
Kids stand around more than they move!
Using our drills and team training guides will keep kids engaged and moving throughout your practice.
Coaches don't have the resources to help players get better
Over 80 individual videos and 30+ practice drills will give your coaches the tools to help kids improve (even if the coach really doesn't know what he is doing!)