Custom Coach Plans

Fully Custom Plans for the mission minded coach.

Standout tailors our packages and pricing to meet any coach's needs right where they are. Together we can build a plan that meets your price point and give you the educational excitement families, and players are looking for.

Choose from:

Flexible pricing by month, season, or year

Access to the Standout Baseball Video Training Library

Full Practice plans in the Coaches Corner

Bi-weekly Coaching Strategy videos via email

Onsite coaches training

Virtual player assessments

Zoom calls for Standout/Coach collaboration

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students trained


years of training experience


drills & programs


baseball leagues

Standout Stats

No matter what position you play, we’ve broken down the most important skills, drills, and secrets you need to know into easy-to-understand training videos. Our video training makes it feel like we’re standing right there with you, no matter where you are in the world.

throwing baseball training

what our players say

Gamechanger! Simply stated, it’s a powerful description that gets thrown around loosely throughout the world of sports. As athletes we all strive to achieve that status few of us ever do! To be a true gamechanger, you need to surround yourself with a truly game changing coach. That said, it is with tremendous pride and honor that I write this for Coach Batista. A genuine gamechanger and truly the most significant baseball influences my children have had to date.

Jordy Andreas- Las Vegas, NV